The Whittaker town house always had an exotic aroma, a blend of the various nostrums Charlie's father 539 sold in wholesale lots.
This is a concept with an intensely exotic aroma.
The city's name may also come from pasaw, a plant with an exotic aroma, that used grow abundantly there.
Sometimes, when the wind blew, exotic aromas flowed on it out of the wood, or the sound of music or bells.
In moments the air was filled with exotic aromas.
Barolos have the potential for a wide range of complex and exotic aromas with tar and roses being common notes.
Many stoves are in use, and the air fills with exotic aromas.
While the guests still sniffed the exotic aroma, a sound reached their ears.
It is a dreamy stew, sweet, nutty and crunchy, with an exotic aroma.
The exotic aroma brought to mind mystery ... and danger.