Many airport hotels also offer parking packages, aimed at travelers hoping to save on another exorbitant expense: airport parking lots.
All it brings me is the trouble of selling Maarc's ship for scrap metal and the exorbitant expense of the crew's funeral.
The enormity of attempting to monitor every shipment in the country was recognized as a "logistical impossibility" and an exorbitant expense.
The exorbitant expenses of the price-fixing scandal drained Sotheby's cash.
"But in these times of austerity how could she possibly justify such exorbitant expense?"
Cable is not an exorbitant expense for Poles: about $100 to be hooked up plus a monthly fee of $2 to $7.
Because of the exorbitant expense of licensing, not all electricians acquire all the licenses for each village, and therefore there are fewer electricians in those areas.
The shock was not so much the exorbitant expense of public life in Europe, but that extravagance was taken as the measure of one's importance.
This caused the Legislature to decline the approval of the acquisition of development rights because of the exorbitant expense of securing bond monies.
The plans, however, were rejected on account of the exorbitant expense required to carry them out.