Sliplining is used to repair leaks or restore structural stability to an existing pipeline.
The line, scheduled for completion in 2007, will connect with an existing pipeline between Chicago and Oklahoma, whose flow is being reversed to southbound from northbound.
"There were several reasons why we wanted to build the plant and that was one of them, that there was an existing pipeline," Mr. Steets said.
Pumping oil through the Russia system would be an interim measure until a pipeline is built in stages from the Black Sea to connect to an existing pipeline that goes to Tengiz.
The low-sulfur diesel is supplied through an existing pipeline by the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation, with 20,000 tons, or the equivalent of 28-days of full capacity operations, stored in case of any fuel shortage.
Expansion of the capacity of an existing pipeline to Chicago is also proposed.
Natural gas, the station's fuel, will be supplied to the station by a pipeline, with a short connection to an existing pipeline to the north.
Indian Point would require a bigger supply of gas than is now possible through an existing pipeline running through the site.
The first flow of oil is to be sent through an existing pipeline that runs north from Baku through Chechnya to the Russian port of Novorossisk on the Black Sea.
Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain is an existing pipeline for diluted bitumen between Edmonton and Burnaby.