The peering fabric first existed informally as links between "Wantree Internet" and "Omen Internet" to iiNet.
Originally, there were no recognised parties in the New Zealand parliament, although loose groupings did exist informally (initially between supporters of central government versus provincial governments, and later between liberals and conservatives).
The post of Deputy Prime Minister was formally established in 1949, although it informally existed prior to then.
The group was ordered to disband but still exists informally, with a former member now running the Interior Ministry.
However it exists informally from 1902, which makes it the oldest Bulgarian football club.
It existed informally between 1962 and 1968, during the Francoist dictatorship, which had banned all the political organizations other than those in the Movimiento Nacional.
As such, Brittany as an administrative region did not exist during the 19th and early 20th centuries, although it did still exist culturally and informally.
In other cases, status exists without class and/or informally, as is true with some Hunter-Gatherer societies such as the Khoisan, and some Indigenous Australian societies.
Variations of fursuits exist informally called "partials" in which only a costume head and costume hands/arms are worn, with standard clothing covering the rest of the body.
Some NPOs may also be a charity or service organization; they may be organized as a not-for-profit corporation or as a trust, a cooperative, or they exist informally.