They desperately want exiles to return to bolster the tax base.
The exiles "at the end of the heavens" will also return.
The exiles returned in the mid-1950's, after Stalin's death, and many reclaimed their homes.
If all goes well, the results may help these exiles return to their native land.
The exile returned to England in 1057 with his family, but died almost immediately.
Five hundred years hence, when the sun had recovered, the exiles would return.
"But I also told him that he should open it to everybody, because exiles would not return only for the 10,000 in the embassy."
The exiles returned, and both sides began a series of violent acts against each other.
The new Persian ruler decided to allow the exiles to return home.
The message here is that the exile can never really return; the past is unrecapturable.