It had been the most exhilarating and excruciating time a young baseball executive could have endured.
With such exhilarating times, they found the Blackpool boys very ordinary on their return.
Keep up the good work during this exhilarating time.
It is a crazy, exhilarating time for the 40-year-old Newman.
It was both a terrifying and an exhilarating time for the Dreamers.
It was terrifying but at the same time exhilarating.
Sunday morning was the most exhilarating time to ride.
But with one exception, my feminist friends and I had an exhilarating time.
They remained federal prosecutors for much of the 1980's, an exhilarating time in the office, according to people who were there.
And yet in a strange way, given the savage context, those emotional early months of 2002 were an exhilarating time.