This exhibition of photographs, represents a valuable collection of glass plates dating from the 1830s.
"This exhibition represents the whole movement coming full circle," she said.
For some viewers, who know that Ms. Golden is black, the exhibition represented much more than a collection of artwork.
The exhibition represents a significant art world trend that is at present occurring in the Middle East, the growth of leading female artists.
An exhibition celebrated during that year represented the most culminating moment of the applied arts.
Does the exhibition represent all that has happened during the last two years?
The exhibition should represent those who disagree with Freud's work - the more dissenters the better.
According to Steichen, the exhibition represented the "culmination of his career."
Whether the exhibition comprehensively represents the current art of Central Europe is difficult to say.
Scientifically, the exhibition, which opens tomorrow, also represents a bold departure from the past.