The exhibition mounted inside the van was put together by pupils from Homewood School, Tenterden, in a joint project between the school and the railway.
The Armory Show was the first, and, ultimately, the only exhibition mounted by the AAPS.
An exhibition mounted to acquaint New Yorkers with the library will run through March, in two galleries one flight down at the Collection.
The museum is billing the show as the most comprehensive exhibition of amber ever mounted.
All told, the exhibition mounts a convincing case for Tiffany as one of the most innovative jewelry designers of the 20th century.
He picked up the bills and set out to visit the exhibition of waiters mounted at the rear of the cafe.
This exhibition is the second and largest museum survey of Ryder's work ever mounted.
One day he gave me a three-page printout listing 109 exhibitions the museum mounted from 1990 to 2000.
The exhibitions mounted at PKNY can be traditional, eclectic and startling.
Terry Garcia, executive vice president for mission programs for National Geographic, a co-sponsor, called it the most ambitious exhibition ever mounted.