A new exhibition inspired by a door from Frank Shay's...
Mayor's exhibition of new graphic works by Roy Lichtenstein, inspired by Monet's waterlily compositions, has been extended (to 16 January).
An exhibition of women's artworks inspired by women's daily lives starts Sunday and runs through Oct. 22.
It was committed to an exploration of "art within a context," offering a program of exhibitions inspired by current social, political, and cultural events.
Riverside Studios in Hammersmith also played host to an exhibition of her drawings inspired by her songs, called Handmade, which ran from 20 August to 27 September 2009.
Zero Yen House is an exhibition by Japanese architect and artist Kyohei Sakaguchi, inspired by the constructions of Japanese homeless people.
Mark Wallinger was last shortlisted in 1995 for an exhibition inspired by his interest in horse racing.
For this exhibition, inspired by the Mexican carpa, traditional tent shows that traveled along the border, he will create a site-specific mixed media installation.
So "Picnic," an exhibition inspired by a 2002 issue that celebrated eating and gathering, seemed a natural for the Lincoln Center Festival.
With My Magic Life, his 2008 exhibition inspired by magic and David Devant, he brought the different strands of his work together.