The exhibition concentrates on coaches and sleighs from the 18th to the 20th century that belonged to Basel family estate.
In case of local matters, the exhibitions concentrate on the town history including the development of industry, trade, traffic, culture, leisure time and formation.
But no exhibition has concentrated on the extensive influence of his poems on modern art.
According to a spokeswoman, previous exhibitions in the West have concentrated on work done by Jews after they left Russia.
Although the company was in business until 1979, the exhibition concentrates on photographs from the 1940's and 50's.
This exhibition concentrates primarily on negatives that were never printed or published.
Accompanied by an excellent catalogue, this exhibition concentrates almost exclusively on the furniture, which has had the highest survival rate.
The exhibition concentrates on projects undertaken during the 1980's and 1990's as well as some that are to be finished in the next few years.
Its eight exhibitions hoped to establish a high standard for other artists and concentrated on small, carefully hung groups of works by leading Canadian artists.
The inaugural exhibition concentrates on the last six years of the artist's life.