By setting the record straight, this exhibition challenges an essential tenet of late 20th-century esthetics.
The exhibition does not challenge the view that Marin was first and foremost a watercolorist.
The exhibition challenges children to make decisions, learn aspects of American history, understand transportation concepts and even do some math.
But a new exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art challenges that view.
This exhibition challenges the current widespread conviction that only a contextual exhibition can do justice to a theme or moment.
In more than 30 displays, the exhibition challenges children to solve problems the way their biblical ancestors did.
The exhibition manifest challenged "the use of external impressions and an external depiction of objects and figures."
The exhibition, which originated at the Experience Music Project in Seattle, doesn't challenge conventional wisdom.
The exhibition will, he says, challenge our preconceptions about Korean culture.
The exhibition challenges conceptions of high art.