On April 6, 2007 an exhibit featuring six penguins opened to the public.
Additional exhibits feature the rich cultures and art of Africa.
The exhibit featured upwards of 200 maps from around the world.
The exhibit features around 70 paintings created by the former Beatle.
The second exhibit features a male and female pacific walrus.
Each exhibit also features archival imagery and links to further research.
The exhibit featured various locations for the tigers to live, swim and play.
This exhibit features businesses and displays artifacts from the important individuals who owned them.
This exhibit was opened in 1997 and features an entire colony of the extremely social meerkats.
In an attempt to foster partnerships with area elementary schools, the exhibit also features artwork by middle school students.
Other tribal cosmologies exhibit analogous features some of which we shall consider later.
Linear systems typically exhibit features and properties that are much simpler than the general, nonlinear case.
Jack also begins to exhibit a transformation of his senses, and physical features.
The plan of the 'villa' thus exhibits unusual features, the main focus apparently having been on bathing and eating.
As a child, Asperger himself appeared to have exhibited features of the condition subsequently named after him.
Indeed, 13th- and 14th-century Catalonia did exhibit features of a nation-state.
The plain's topography exhibits extremely smooth features at several different lengths of scale.
However, it is often observed that raised tissues do not exhibit expected functional features.
Patients exhibit certain features which could be confused with Down syndrome.
Also many moons, even those that do not orbit the Sun directly, often exhibit features in common with true planets.