An interactive exhibit called AirPlay presents the science of air and wind.
Red Cliffs features a permanent public exhibit called Big Lizzie, a large tractor.
The resulting exhibit, called "Dead," achieves spectacular notoriety, wrecking other lives in the process.
This attraction was the first phase of the future exhibit called Africa.
Currently being organized in Italy is an exhibit called "Puccini's Cars."
To get the full story visit the exhibit called Denk S.
There was also an exhibit called "The Homeless are not Faceless".
In the first main exhibit, called "Celebration Circle," a film is shown on a 180-degree screen in a circular room.
The privately financed exhibit, called "Forced Paths," does not seem intended as a provocation.
They are all in an exhibit called "Splendid Plumage," from the library's fabled collection of illustrated bird books.