The proposal, which was fiercely opposed by the Green Party, wound its way through nearly every committee in Parliament, was the subject of intense lobbying and was exhaustively covered by Finland's numerous newspapers.
The official visits to Iraq are exhaustively covered by the state-controlled media.
If you watched TV during the first two weeks of the war, you'll remember that it was covered exhaustively and enthusiastically, as if it were a hot, sandy pep rally.
According to philosopher Liviu Bordaş, Iorga's main topic of interest, the relation between Romania and the Eastern world, was exhaustively covered: "nothing escaped this sacred monster's attention: Iorga had read everything."
Mrs. Phelps's arrest was exhaustively covered by the popular press, and it turned out that several other well-to-do women had been detained at Macy's the same day, for other and seemingly innocent lapses in protocol.
From bombshells like Jean Harlow and Marilyn Monroe to "wisecracking dames" like Ann Sheridan and Barbra Streisand, the spectrum of Hollywood actresses is covered exhaustively.
That vote and other moves that are widely perceived as anti-immigrant have been exhaustively covered in the Spanish-language press here and in other immigrant communities.
Although "740 Park" means to entertain the reader with a steady stream of gossip, some of its stories have been exhaustively covered elsewhere.
In this article, we'll recap only a few of the highlights of the announcement, because the news has been covered exhaustively elsewhere.
Mr. Tudjman's style of rule included a heavy dose of public appearances exhaustively covered by the state television channel.