Furthermore, opponents of the measure say, the exercise of one person's religious freedom can result in the denial of another's civil rights.
The discovery happened when her exercises resulted in menstruation for even those in the group who thought to pass menopause.
Their companies hope the exercises will result in fewer discrimination suits and a more tolerant workplace.
Interestingly, mounting evidence shows that too much exercise can result in bone disorders.
The team's exercise in ridiculousness resulted in a personal ignominy Young will never be able to erase.
Also, he said, the finding that exercise can result in less of a need for medication is new and particularly significant.
Yet, the exercise will result in better health.
Depression may develop if exercise is neglected or may result from reoccurring physical injuries that limit exercise.
The exercise of the rights to free expression and religion can result in imprisonment and death.
What could have been merely a gruesome exercise resulted in drawings that brought dead men back to hallucinatory life.