A campaign against 'bourgeois liberalism' was launched with exemplary action against some of the 'troublemakers'.
During the war he received the Iron Cross (Kreuz Eisernes) for his exemplary actions.
What important ideas should govern thinking about it: expiatory sacrifice, ransom from slavery, feudal satisfaction, legal justification, exemplary action?
The main character receives an Intelligence Star for exemplary and heroic actions.
While exemplary actions are usually without theoretical support, interventions attempt to put theory into action.
Gerdt's exemplary action allowed the rifle company to proceed across a plain that was being heavily bombarded by the enemy.
"Wherever charges were proved, exemplary action was taken against the guilty," he said.
If few could attain the peculiar sanctity of St Francis who united contemplative consciousness of God's love with a life of exemplary action, such integrity was seen as a desideratum.
The social activists demanded exemplary action to prevent such "intolerable" acts in future.
Hope you take some exemplary action against them.