He known as a writer, of theological and exegetical works, controversial and historical works, and numerous biographical and hagiographical works.
Calvin held him in high esteem, employing him as amanuensis, and as editor as well as translator of several of his exegetical and polemical works.
Alesius published a large number of exegetical, dogmatic and polemical works, of which over twenty are mentioned by Bale in his List of English Writers.
His exegetical works were published at Venice in 1754 in eight volumes.
Likewise the citations from Hesychius in ascetic florilegia are taken from exegetical works.
He was one of the most learned professors at the university and through his numerous and erudite exegetical works became famous throughout Europe.
Of his extensive exegetical works on all of Scripture nothing survived.
Valerian was succeeded by St. Chromatius (388-408) known for his homiletic and exegetical works.
All of the exegetical works of Eusebius have suffered damage in transmission.
His 'History of the Hebrew Nation and its Literature,' 1869, and his exegetical works bear the his individual stamp.