Those smiling executives are probably already starting to convince themselves that they're responsible in some way for this success.
Senior executives started telling the vice presidents of information systems that they had to become more business-savvy.
Clearly, a lot more has to be done - a fact that executives are starting to come to grips with.
But executives close to the companies say that the companies have held talks, in fits and starts, for months.
"I think you'll see executives really start to utilize their vacations more than in previous years," he said.
Premier Foods has put on more than 6% after news that its new chief executive will start his job sooner than expected.
In response, chief executives have started an effort to answer their critics and still defeat efforts at systemic change.
There comes a time in every administration when the chief executive starts to be perceived as a candidate for re-election.
How did corporate executives start feeling they had to spend half their time doing lap dances for market analysts?
Some executives started thinking that they had been appointed to their posts for life.