Facing greater scrutiny, at least a dozen boards, including those at Lockheed Martin and Washington Mutual, eliminated all or some executive perks last year.
A closer look at the tense negotiations between American Airlines and its unions shows how the revelation of executive perks almost drove American into bankruptcy.
It also sharpened "focus on disclosure of executive perks", according to its press release.
G.E. did not have to pay a penalty in the matter but agreed to disclose all such executive perks in the future.
But another executive close to the talks said, "I've never heard of a deal that collapsed because of executive perks."
Banking analysts have long criticized Riggs for its executive perks as the bank's profitability dwindled.
In the article, Mr. Kozlowski bragged about his disdain for fancy headquarters offices and executive perks like country club memberships.
Clarifying the Purpose The purpose in limiting deductions for club dues, she argued, is not to go after executive perks.
By declining the usual executive perks he stood as a model for future generations of Intel CEOs.
In most firms, top management incentives are thinly disguised executive perks: not in Hanson.