As a practical matter, executives even choose the directors, with shareholders normally following management recommendations and voting for them.
Even some executives who are resigned to an unpredictable future have chosen to act.
This executive, however, chooses to have only one bodyguard and prefers to drive his own car to work.
They maintain that some corporate executives, without a sufficient fear of lawsuits, would choose profits over public safety.
However, the new executives at Fox did not, and chose not to air the show.
The rest would be the cash compensation that executives could have pocketed but chose to defer instead.
With fewer experienced executives to choose from, searches may go unfilled, he added.
However, the executive chose not to endorse the vote but instead declared that Ikoli was selected.
In these businesslike presentations, retail executives arrive with order books and choose their styles immediately after the show.
They represent the kind of dress an executive might choose for her company's sales-award reception.