Many of the victims had their limbs bound and suffered execution-style killings by garroting or gunshots.
"Hundreds of bodies have continued to appear throughout the country bearing signs of severe torture and execution-style killing," the report found.
Stretch was murdered in an execution-style killing on November 30, 1995.
A videotape of the captives and dead mechanics was released that show possible torture and execution-style killings.
Meanwhile, there are reports of regular execution-style killings on the Haïtian seaside.
The Supreme Court's 2002 decision, they wrote, "was never intended to protect capital murderers who commit execution-style killings."
And we're not talking about execution-style killings.
All three men had criminal records and were shot in the head, suggesting they had been singled out for execution-style killing, a law enforcement official said.
There have been at least three execution-style double killings, and many of the murders have involved bizarre, ritualistic rites.
On late April 12, four young men were abducted and killed in an execution-style killing near the capital, Skopje.