The practitioner travels in all directions, executing various movements, with the final technique ending at the very point where he began.
In the compulsory competition, each swimmer must execute movements in the water with speed, form and consistency.
Both execute fast movements in complex structures, either mirroring each other or doing the same steps in parallel formation.
Even when the movie shows a group of bikers executing choreographed movements, their stunts aren't especially impressive.
At the same time the part can execute complex movements.
The most common movement is just swinging the umbrella and passing it from hand to hand while executing regular movements.
"Robert's medical evolution is excellent: he is able to drink and to execute small movements with the hand."
The first magical pass consists of fifteen carefully executed brief movements.
They execute quick movements on and off the seat, sometimes standing up and riding out of the saddle.
The stars executed movements never before recorded in the heavens.