They require employers with as few as 11 workers to set up ergonomic programs and keep excruciatingly detailed records.
This tradition carries on in the works of Frederic Church, who idealizes an uninterrupted nature, highlighted by creating excruciatingly detailed art.
Our work was to recreate these excruciatingly detailed and quotidian scenes for the class.
Each channel also must devote a daily 30-minute segment to reverent and excruciatingly detailed coverage of the many beneficent activities of the royal family.
These highly educated social workers must account to the city for every person served and every service rendered in an excruciatingly detailed and redundant reporting system.
When I was 16, I wrote the film's first Wikipedia page, and included an excruciatingly detailed synopsis.
For the technically sophisticated, a Desqview subprogram, Manifest, makes excruciatingly detailed reports about the memory in a system and how it is being used.
Share excruciatingly detailed accounts of old family events that were boring even while they were happening.
And what can be said about the long, excruciatingly detailed climactic sequence in which a healthy young woman gives birth to a man older and larger than herself?
Solomon asks an excruciatingly detailed question that takes forever.