Sims is almost exclusively responsible for every aspect of his music, providing vocals, instrumentation and production.
Aditya starts off very reasonably, acknowledging that probably not any one factor is exclusively responsible, but then goes on to argue just that.
The incinerator is not thought to be exclusively responsible for the high local levels of dioxin.
Domain specificity is the notion that some areas of the brain are responsible almost exclusively for the processing of particular categories.
There are also certain matters for which the Chamber of Representatives is exclusively responsible.
The ulnar nerve is exclusively responsible for the innervations of the hypothenar eminence.
As a result, states are almost exclusively responsible for regulating the quality of child care.
Women were almost exclusively responsible for seeing to the welfare of the children.
This requires a public prosecutor, and, as Parliament has already demanded on various occasions, one that is exclusively responsible for the Union's institutions.
The Commission points out that it is not exclusively responsible for this, but it must nevertheless be clear that it has to coordinate these activities.