She hesitated, and went on, "It's the mutually exclusive definitions that are driving me crazy.
However, this is not the exclusive definition or requirement of the term.
Mutually exclusive definitions: There are a number of possible choices for a quantity to be defined in terms of others, but only one can be used and not the others.
Mutually exclusive definitions:
The standard DOD reference discusses this relationship extensively in the first two chapters, and provides mutually exclusive definitions for phrases such as "air burst" and "high-altitude burst."
Inclusive definitions allow for major Hollywood productions, especially box office bombs, while exclusive definitions focus more on obscure, transgressive films, shunned by the mainstream.
This in turn led to the question of whether or not this formulation was an "exclusive" definition of income, with any income not clearly covered by its terms deemed to be nontaxable.
There is no well-defined structure of SaarLorLux nor even an exclusive definition of its size.
You're saying that they can't interpret a statute in which there is no exclusive definition?
Some define a trapezoid as a quadrilateral having exactly one pair of parallel sides (the exclusive definition), thereby excluding parallelograms.