She also has an exclusive brand coming to Macy's that will offer stylish clothes for under $40.
Fred is an exclusive brand and has provided jewels for many events including the oscars to major stars.
DHL now serves as the exclusive brand for all express and logistics activities.
Kmart has long counted on sales of exclusive brands to drum up excitement about its stores.
It's also known for its many collaborations with exclusive high-fashion brands.
Other new exclusive brands for juniors and young men's were launched in the summer of 2008.
"The Brooks name is very strong," she said, "and to the extent that they can provide an exclusive brand to their customers, it could work."
Later, the Women's Championship became exclusive to only the Raw brand.
All four championships exclusive to the Raw brand were contested for; three were lost while one was retained.
"If you've got any brand loyalty you can leverage, that's a factor in creating phones with exclusive brands," he said.