The term has traditionally excluded China, Japan, and other countries to the north of India and the Himalayas.
The bill excludes countries that support international terrorism or that have excessive military spending, gross violations of human rights, or drug trafficking.
And that figure, of course, excludes countries that do not allow any private ownership in oil production.
The Senate also balked at the agreement because it excluded certain developing countries, including India and China, from having to comply with new emissions standards.
A) So would that exclude other countries?
Here again, our proposal excludes weak and vulnerable countries and gives flexibility to other developing countries.
Secret voting and the ability to exclude countries do, however, mean that a big step forward has nonetheless been taken.
We also view with concern the widespread inclination to exclude countries from membership on the basis of, for example, their economic situations.
The phrase, thus, excludes countries such as Jamaica, Haiti, and the Lesser Antilles.
The table excludes countries where, during the reporting period, no deaths met the above criteria.