People with poor basic skills are vulnerable consumers and they're often excluded citizens.
In 1878, Judge J.D. Coles was arrested for excluding black citizens from serving as jurors.
When they exclude citizens at the behest of private attorneys from "the duty, honor and privilege of jury service," they violate the Constitution.
It also calls for radical reforms to the national system of land allocation and development, which the authors charge is designed to exclude Palestinian citizens from influence.
So far excluding older citizens returned to Kornica.
Isn't it also unfair to assemble a jury that excludes citizens who seek to be well-informed?
Our system of politics will continue to foster confrontation and short-term thinking, and exclude ordinary citizens from the business of government.
The consumer would be the victim, with the possibility of excluding citizens from the Internet: a very serious matter.
The driving impulse behind the move for change is not the desire to exclude citizens but the high-minded wish to include them.
State officials, Congress found, routinely applied voting tests in order to exclude African-American citizens from registering to vote.