I recognize that it's nearly treason not to embrace every exciting advance in crime-fighting technology.
It supplies the background for appreciating the many exciting advances currently unfolding.
The thing about exciting advances designed to make city life easier is that they're not so exciting when you can't try them yourself.
One Visudyne patient in six is said to have shown improved vision, a most exciting advance.
'This is an exciting advance' said Zuckermann 'a landmark in preventive medicine'.
Scientists have made exciting medical advances, but the disease persists as a leading cause of illness and death in the United States.
The movie also features exciting advances in computer technology.
Still, some analysts say that OS/2 is an exciting advance, the key that will unlock the long-awaited potential of personal computers.
Some of the most exciting advances are in healthcare and housing.
Both exhibits focus on periods of powerful leaders and exciting artistic advances.