Therefore, plasmons are hard to excite on a bulk metal.
He added, "I'm looking for somebody who would have the ability to do those kinds of things, too, not just get people excited on Sunday morning."
The journalist announced, "the album is able to excite the hairs on the back of your neck."
"In the beginning, our inquiries excite concern on the part of the publisher," he said.
Raymond was weak and exhausted, yet the interest he perceived to be excited on his account, filled him with proud pleasure.
There was plenty to be excited about on both sides.
But a new artist, particularly one whose work had so completely captured his imagination, excited on a different level.
"I can see him on the truck being excited on the way."
It was quite late when he arrived, but his appearance excited no comment from the night man on duty.
I have to find a way and excite myself on the road.