Both commanders decided that they would exchange prisoners under the same conditions as in the First Punic War.
Salvoes of radiance exchanged under the night's star-dotted dome.
Romulans exchanged private names only under special circumstances.
The .30-30 had opened up again, exchanging desultory fire with the .357 under the porch.
A more modern tradition is to exchange kisses under a sprig of mistletoe.
Investors in perpetual floating-rate notes may exchange their holdings for new securities, under a new proposal.
We regret that we cannot exchange tickets under any circumstances.
The Pope and the Paraguayan leader then exchanged speeches under a larger-than-life portrait of the general.
"I guess I'll ride yore horse m'self," he announced, and they exchanged horses under the shelter of the bank.
Representatives of dozens of neutrino experiments meet once every two years to exchange ideas at conferences like the one under way here.