Indeed, all week the jet makers looking to cash in on the deal have exchanged barely polite taunts, jeers and even mutual accusations of electronic eavesdropping.
Just as Mia is about to leave, she finds a flyer for a club seeking dancers and at the door, Keely's friends enter and they exchange taunts.
Bob Beswick entered and the dancers eyed each other warily, snapping their fingers as if exchanging taunts.
The witch saw him too late to catch him, but they exchanged taunts.
The crowd and a government official equipped with a loudspeaker exchanged taunts and accusations.
The fourth scene is a choral exchange between the young men who have entered and the young women who exchange taunts.
The coaches have exchanged taunts and insults since last summer.
He exchanged taunts with fans and trash-talked with players; he pounded his chest, flexed his torso, scowled and swore for nearly two hours.
The rivalry is good natured, with the two sets of supporters exchanging nickname-based taunts.
A smattering of counterdemonstrators stood across the street, occasionally exchanging taunts with the protesters, but the overall atmosphere was more street fair than civil strife.