He and the High Lord exchanged traditional salutations, and sang to each other the ritual invocations which they considered appropriate to the purpose of the meeting.
But on entering the room they pursed up their lips, and all grew very conventional as they shook hands and exchanged salutations.
Exchanging heavy but courteous salutations with other gaffers, I reach the station, where I ask for a ticket for London where the king lives.
Just behind her, models and makeup artists alike exchanged air kisses and French salutations.
Both sides were rising from their thrones and exchanging bows and salutations, and the gongs began to beat and the ram's horns to sound again as they withdrew.
Already some fans have exchanged four-letter greetings and middle-digit salutations in the French Quarter.
A white horseman was coming down the mountain, and as he passed, and while he paused to exchange salutations with myself, Hoka was still staring and ruffling like a gamecock.
'And how,' said Mr. Pickwick, when he had grasped his followers by the hand, and exchanged warm salutations of welcome--'how is Tupman?'
She yawned, her teeth flashing, then exchanged salutations with Oromis and Glaedr.
"Nowadays when we are exchanging salutations, we say how is business," said B. J. Sa, the executive director of the Korean Produce Association.