White exchanged pieces and played against Black's weakened queenside, a typical plan in this variation.
In compensation for this, Black has no pawn weaknesses, and, if he can exchange enough pieces, he will safely emerge from his cramped situation.
The idea of 8 . . . Ne4 is to exchange pieces before White can organize pressure.
To exchange pieces means to capture a hostile piece and then allow a piece of the same value to be captured.
IP works by exchanging pieces of information called packets.
I wonder if you exchange pieces of each other's spirit.
Do you think we have exchanged pieces of our spirits, Jondalar?
In general, the player with a material advantage tries to exchange pieces and reach the endgame.
Rxd8 Rxd8), here he played more soberly, rapidly exchanging pieces, and quickly drawing.
The barges were tilting and rocking as friends tried to get close enough to one another to exchange gossip and pieces of fruit.