But Israel would be required to say that it was willing to exchange land for peace.
In addition, the town and village agreed to exchange other less populated land.
Israel and Palestine can use it as a basis on which to exchange land for peace.
Efforts to exchange federal land from other areas for inholdings were still in the negotiation phase in 2012.
This ambitious scheme did not gain enough support to proceed, although some landowners offered to exchange land for shares.
Shuar entered into peaceful trade relations, exchanged land for manufactured goods, and began sending their children to mission boarding schools to learn Spanish.
The Shas rabbis have traditionally favored exchanging land for peace, arguing that Jewish lives matter more than territory.
He was willing to exchange land for the promise of protection for his people but was often disappointed by the failures of the US government.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, adopted in 1967, calls on Israel to exchange land for peace within secure and recognized boundaries.
He exchanged land with its residents (Giving them today's Hrasnica neighborhood in Ilidža), and soon began building his provincial capital as he envisioned it.