Then, when an unexpectedly loud passage comes along on top of the already excessive volume, the loudspeaker simply wilts.
Then the voice says, I'm quoting here, "Due to excessive volume" your call cannot be handled.
This is advantageous in smaller rooms where excessive volume is not desired.
A 1977 review of a Motörhead concert noted how "excessive volume in particular figured into the band's impact."
Mad because of what she felt was the band's excessive volume that night, she spoke her lyrics in a whisper.
The resulting contraction could force an excessive volume of blood into the neonate.
The excessive volume in the suit has an undesirable effect on trim.
Music played at excessive volumes is often considered a form of noise pollution.
Many bands, primarily in the rock genre, use excessive volumes intentionally.
The Voice sounded familiar to Picard, although its excessive volume made it hard to identify.