For most of February, he was ill and run down by overwork, a poor diet and excessive smoking.
Phonation disorders may be functional, caused by continuous yelling or throat clearing, excessive smoking, or speaking at an abnormally low frequency or pitch.
His poor health, made worse by excessive smoking and drinking, laid him low.
In October of that year, Wetz was diagnosed with lung cancer, brought about by excessive smoking.
The toll of international celebrity on Wong's personal life manifested itself in bouts of depression and sudden anger, as well as excessive smoking and drinking.
It is mainly caused by excessive smoking.
Wilkerson had been in relatively poor health throughout the later half of the 1950s due to decades of excessive smoking.
Moreover, when doctors treat patients with vocal problems, less serious factors often account for distortions, among them are overuse, excessive smoking, a cold, a tracheotomy or other irritation.
A preponderance of evidence, he said, indicates that individuals can deal successfully with excessive smoking and drinking on their own, without treatment.
Four years later, the Surgeon General's office posted its first official warning that excessive smoking may cause lung cancer.