On the one hand Gautier believed that El Greco went mad from excessive artistic sensitivity.
Photophobia is a symptom of excessive sensitivity to light which affects 5 to 20% of the population.
But it often carries a negative connotation, usually in the plural - "it offended his sensibilities" - of excessive sensitivity.
Larger doses can bring about respiratory depression, slurred speech, headache, and photophobia (a symptom of excessive sensitivity to light).
Nevertheless, although she was conscious of her excessive sensitivity regarding the subject, she still worried.
One big problem in designing Correctext, Ms. Sutherland said, has been "overflagging," or excessive sensitivity to minor errors.
Whenever this sort of thing happened, she'd sigh, as if she was obliged to put up with his excessive sensitivity.
It is a pity that this report gives it such scant attention and deals with it in terms which show excessive sensitivity to African regimes.
There is either an excessive sensitivity or an insensitivity.
Amsterdam's mayor, Job Cohen, represents the Labor Party, which has controlled the city for decades and is often accused of excessive multicultural sensitivity.