In 1994, declining harvest from excessive rains plagued that nation with extensive food shortage problems.
It can prevent erosion caused by excessive rain that results in surface runoff.
The excessive rains caused the river to become muddy, and most of the fishing hooks were lost.
Then in the summer of 1695 excessive rain fell, falling almost constantly from June 24 to September 29.
At the time, the creek was higher and flowing faster than normal due to excessive rains in the area.
It is not just excessive rain combined with poor forest cover that causes problems for the population, but the unpredictability of the rains.
That first year of excessive rain was followed by three years of drought.
A stalled front led to excessive rains across southeast Louisiana.
"We've lost about 20 percent of our plants from excessive rain," he said, "followed by the lowest temperatures ever experienced in Washington."
Was the landslide caused by ground shaking or excessive rain?