This practice has been criticises nationally due to its excessive cruelty.
This was a time of burgeoning culture and festering decadence, of excessive cruelty and sexuality.
First, they executed the innocent and used excessive cruelty with the guilty.
In charging a person assumed to be responsible for murder, a common question the courts asked was whether excessive cruelty and the maltreatment of prisoners lead to death.
Then when he recovered, they were finally divorced on September 22, 1947, on the grounds of "excessive, repeated cruelty".
Han Zhao rulers were all extremely intelligent and articulate, but some lacked self-control and demonstrated excessive cruelty on the battlefield.
Phalaris was renowned for his excessive cruelty.
The change in attitude on the part of the Parliamentarian commander may have been a recognition that excessive cruelty was prolonging Irish resistance.
During this period, he had Jeannot put to death for excessive cruelty in warfare.
Shi Le was known as a brilliant general, but was criticized by historians for excessive cruelty during his campaigns.