Also, his actions during the Neapolitan campaign resulted in allegations of excessive brutality.
Pigot had by now developed a reputation for excessive brutality.
Moreover, the government responded with excessive brutality to popular marches and demonstrations in Panama in mid-1987.
But it is also the most often cited, along with Robin Hood and the Monk, for excessive brutality.
They knew that excessive brutality would deny them the place they sought at the bargaining table.
The rebellion was put down with excessive brutality against the civilian population including mass murder and mutilations.
This was the same man who had cruelly killed his brother in sport combat years ago with excessive brutality.
Grey was recalled by Elizabeth I for his excessive brutality.
After two years, in March 1896, he was released as the result of a pardon recognizing the excessive brutality of the repression.
He became a New York police officer, but was dismissed for excessive brutality.