Eventually, possibly as a result of excessive alcohol and drug use, Marriott started showing signs of mild schizophrenia.
Mitochondria-targeted ubiquinone, for example, may prevent damage to the liver caused by excessive alcohol.
Toxic reactions, like excessive alcohol or drug use.
His mind seemed sharper, not fuzzed the way excessive alcohol or drugs affected him.
It's usually excessive alcohol that saps your energy.
It can also be caused by over-exposure to the sun, excessive alcohol, or too much fresh fruit.
The dangers of excessive alcohol are perhaps more obvious and the real problem here is that the effect is cumulative rather than merely temporary.
"I believe they tried to walk away," he said, adding that "all indications are that excessive alcohol was a factor."
In particular, excessive alcohol or stimulant (meth) use can be damaging even on an intermittent basis.
Of course, as you quite rightly say, excessive alcohol in pregnancy is a very serious matter.