There was no excess verbiage required by her.
Suspense is there: "The Sirens of Baghdad" is nerve-racking despite its excess verbiage.
The Senator later pruned the excess verbiage for newspaper "reports."
As the author of two volumes of poetry in addition to The Golden Gate ), he is used to skimming off excess verbiage.
"The material that is left out consists of excess verbiage and of procedural matter that doesn't need to be in a use-of-force directive."
I had always taken the Hemingway approach, excising excess furniture as ruthlessly as excess verbiage.
If it's to be found at this table -which, frankly, I doubt -you'll have to sit through the excess verbiage.
(An arbiter would address Wilson's whether or not, in which the or not is pleonastic - excess verbiage - but has long been common usage.)
She practices a lean, polished and deceptively simple writing style, free of flourishes and excess verbiage.
Considering the power requirements, that signal must be clear, concise, and contain absolutely no excess verbiage." "