Furthermore, an excess of fluoride while a tooth is in development can lead to a condition known as fluorosis.
These events and an excess of spending would lead to a great decline in Spanish power and influence by the 17th century.
These lyrics could also have come from a devout Christian warning how excesses in life will lead to damnation, no?
Lerner further argues that the cultural excesses of the Left in the 60s and 70s led to backlash in the 1980s.
But an excess of it in the bloodstream can lead to trouble.
An excess of training stimuli can lead to the problem of overtraining.
An excess of workers may be unmanageable for a queen and lead to worker reproduction.
An excess of estrogen may lead to breast cancer.
She also noted that an excess of circulating androgens "does not necessarily lead to female pattern hair loss."
It has been estimated that a 5% excess in purchasing costs can lead to a 25% reduction in profits.