Instability is caused by excess gain, particularly in the presence of significant lag.
A recirculating air flow path resulted from the warm (less-dense) air rising in a south-side solarium, and cooler (denser) air falling on the north side to create pressure differentials that automatically moved excess solar thermal gain from the south to the north side of the building without forced convection systems.
The rate on gains on real estate would be 25 percent, to the extent that the gain reverses previous deductions for depreciation, and 20 percent on excess gains above that level.
But it leaves A.T.&T. with little incentive to economize because it is not allowed to keep the excess gain.
They said they would capture the "excess" gains they expected the pension funds' investments to make and use them as contributions.
Still, what's more puzzling is that the excess gains are not burned up in the competition among card issuers to corral a bigger share of the highly profitable shopping addicts.
Preventing excess solar gain by means of solar shading devices in the summer months is important to reduce cooling needs.
Because al-Zahiri rejected the use of analogical reasoning in jurisprudence, he disagreed with the majority view that the prohibition on excess gain in in-kind exchanges of all commodities, and did not consider such gains to be a form of interest.
In the years before computer modeling, simplistic three-way crossovers were designed as a pair of two-way crossovers, but the advent of iterative design software has taught that this old technique creates excess gain and a 'haystack' response in the midrange output, together with a lower than anticipated input impedance.
Also, during the summer months, providing an overhang, or some sort of shading device, is useful to block out excess solar gain.