Up to now, regulators have typically acted as if every bit of excess exposure is potentially hazardous.
Additionally, it is possible to get a sunburn from excess exposure to the UV emitted by an undoped quartz glass halogen lamp.
The FDA continues to work with manufacturers, professional organizations, and state and local public health authorities to investigate the scope and causes of these excess exposures.
Due to excess exposure to sunlight (and, possibly, a low-carotenoid diet), they often appear rather turquoise (instead of green) in captivity.
In humans, excess exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause skin cancer, cataracts and damage to the immune system.
She dies in the third book because of excess exposure to radiation from Farcett's X-ray machine.
If a laser effect falls into this zone, the software will dim or completely cut off the laser to avoid excess exposure.
With excess exposure to the sun, a suntanned area can also develop sunburn.
There is a concern about excess exposure of the skin to sun and the health hazards involved.
The excess exposure of the attributes creates a type of (undesirable) coupling between methods that access those attributes.