Iraq's economy is considered exceptionally vulnerable to a trade embargo, but experts are wary of predicting quick results from economic sanctions.
A person who loses the right to make decisions on their behalf is exceptionally vulnerable to many types of exploitation.
As these two books demonstrate, the lungs are exceptionally vulnerable.
For example, an animal is exceptionally vulnerable when sleeping.
Terrestrial molluscs seem exceptionally vulnerable to extinction, and low diversity may indicate subtle environmental problems.
It naturally follows that those women who do become homeless are exceptionally vulnerable and needy.
A6 Economic Analysis: Iraq's economy is widely assumed to be exceptionally vulnerable to a trade embargo.
Freshwater and terrestrial molluscs appear exceptionally vulnerable to extinction.
Most sharks and rays are exceptionally vulnerable to over fishing because of their tendency to grow slowly, mature late and produce few young.
But that means that the world economy had become overly dependent on American growth, making it exceptionally vulnerable to changes in our economy.