AATSR also embodies an exceptionally precise and stable on-board calibration system, comprising two reference targets specially designed for high uniformity and stability.
That was a special case that required exceptionally precise control and timing.
Because the camera's light-sensitive charged coupled device is smaller than the format used for 35-millimeter films, exceptionally precise optics had to be developed.
Inca architecture - is the pre-Columbian architecture of the Incas in South America, known particularly for its exceptionally precise masonry.
Never has the corps looked so terrific - exceptionally precise in its unison work and totally imbued with a new stylistic harmony, especially in its arms and torsos.
To do all of this, the CD player has to be exceptionally precise when it focuses the laser on the track of bumps.
Considering how small the bumps are, the DVD player has to be an exceptionally precise piece of equipment.
His information had been exceptionally precise about the time.
The accuracy of sinking the huge caissons was exceptionally precise, within 50-75 mm of the true position.
The camera watches as this exceptionally precise artist drives stakes into the ground at two exact spots in which he plans to keep his feet during the painting process.