A20 Magnetic disturbances on the Sun have increased in the last few months, and may herald a cycle of exceptionally intense solar activity.
The children were baptized as Catholics, and raised in an exceptionally intense environment.
No, she said, but she likes exceptionally intense dark chocolate.
The rivalry spilled across all mutually sponsored sports, with exceptionally intense fan involvement, including several incidents that received national attention.
He said exceptionally intense pain was often a harbinger of other problems, like long labor and fever.
There was no break in the damage because of the proximity of the tornadoes and the accompanying exceptionally intense downburst activity.
Preston blends it with a true syrah to make an exceptionally intense Rhone-style wine.
The storm was exceptionally intense; it caused devastating floods along the French coast.
The case caused widespread controversy at the time, evoking exceptionally intense press and public interest to the point that it was discussed by the Cabinet.
Competition for the Scholarship is exceptionally intense.