Once, not so long ago, he must have been an exceptionally handsome man.
Not only do you look exceptionally handsome, but extremely manly, as well!
Are you jealous that he has himself around me like a squirrel on an exceptionally handsome tree?
Good evening and," her smile gave warmth to the words, "may I say you look exceptionally handsome in your dress uniform.
Exceptionally handsome and a good dresser, he was a man who attracted attention.
His eyes were large and brown; he had been an exceptionally handsome man less than ten years ago.
As a bonus, when not in use, the weights make exceptionally handsome doorstops.
She saw Renaldo, looking exceptionally handsome tonight in his dark formal attire, join them.
"An exceptionally handsome girl-on the cusp of becoming a young woman."
They have exceptionally handsome foliage that is quite often fragrant.